A proposal from a married man

A proposal from a married man
Photo by Yaniv Cohen / Unsplash

I sit on a dating site. I am not looking for a serious relationship, just some light communication, sometimes I go for a coffee or a walk in the park.

And then a very interesting and good-looking man writes to me. He is an adult, solid-looking.

He offers me a relationship with no strings attached, since he is married. But how he does it: he writes intelligently, constantly beautiful compliments from which I melt.

I agreed to meet him in a cafe, to get acquainted in person. So he sent me his driver, who drove me to a nice restaurant. There he gave me a bouquet of peonies and a nice little gold pendant. He was courteous, knew all the manners. He didn't pester me, explained what he wanted in a mature way: romantic meetings in a restaurant or cinema and continuation by mutual consent without violation of personal boundaries.

He offered to take care of me and provide for me, to solve my problems, to go on business trips with him. I was embarrassed and told him I needed to think it over. He did not pressurize me, gave me time, walked me to my car and sent me home with a driver.

Afterwards he wrote me pleasant texts and told me how much he liked our meeting. And I "floated."

What do you think? Will my conscience eat me up then, and I will burn on a laughing bed?

I think he will cheat on his wife in any case, not with me, so with another, and try such a movie relationship - it is interesting. Besides, I'm not planning to build a relationship with anyone yet. I'm not going to break up their marriage or try to steal him away from the family, I'm sure of that.