I am soon to be 30, my boyfriend is 31. We've been living together for 2 years and have known each other for 3.
At first we were just friends, and then we got hooked up, but he has a really big problem - infertility.
He didn't hide it, he was honest about it before we did anything together. He said it was fair to you and so on. We even took a break from seeing each other for a little over a month.
Regarding treatment, he takes various medicines and eats all kinds of herbs, but there is no effect, every 3 months he does a sprmogram - if there are changes, they are insignificant. If there are positive changes, he continues to do the same thing, but his sprmogram shows deterioration the second time. It feels like the body is adapting.
Recently had a conversation about wasting time with him alone. Time, nerves and health (like my watch is already going against me).
I found out later that my mum had worked him over, not good either.
But, on the one hand, both he and she are right, but on the other hand - I still love him. A man of exceptional care, kindness.
If anyone has dealt with something like this, what is your advice?