Going to do something stupid.
Good afternoon, everyone! Please help and advice. The situation is this. A few years ago, after 12 years of marriage, one not-so-great day my husband came home and told me that he had fallen in love with another woman and was leaving her.
He packed his suitcase and left. There is no point in describing what happened next, I think. I'm depressed, how to move on and blah, blah, blah.
After a couple of months, to distract myself, I started a profile on SP. I did not have a specific goal in mind, I just wanted to distract myself, I didn't even have a picture there. One day a man wrote me a letter and we had a nice talk. He suggested we meet and I refused. My boyfriend was very persistent, after a few days I still agreed to a meeting. I will not go into detail.
In general I had a wonderful sexual relationship with him for a few months. We parted peacefully. Just at one point he stopped calling, I did not call him either. End of story.
Six months later my husband suddenly showed up with suitcases. Well, the situation was standard: forgive me, my love, I was such a fool, I love only you and my son. I forgave him.
And then family life continued. Two years have passed. And everything would have been fine. But a couple of weeks ago I remembered that I still had a profile on SZ. Out of the blue, I decided to look there again. And I did!
My former lover wrote to me again. I had already forgotten about him, did not remember. We chatted neutrally, and told each other about the changes in our lives. He got married during this time, and was surprised that I never divorced my husband. It was a conversation between two buddies. He also said he saw me on the street the other day, that I looked good, and said a couple of compliments. Wished each other a good day. That was all.
⠀ But I just had a breakdown! For the second week, I think about him all the time. I act like a teenager, periodically going to the website to see if he showed up.
What I really want. I want him to be my lover again. Dear girls, tell me if I have a chance? And what do I have to do? I had the thought of writing him directly to his forehead that I want him. Or what is the best way to act in this situation?