I don't know how to react to my husband's words. He hasn't slept with me for a month. We have two children, the youngest is 11 months old.

I understand that I am sitting at home and have gained weight (I have never been charmingly thin, of course, but there was no belly) often raises the issue that I have gained weight and he does not like it, because of this and therefore there is nothing in terms of intimacy.

At the same time, when I offered to buy a season ticket, immediately pops up a question, and how are you going to go there? I answer that in the evenings I can, while you're with the kids. By bus, on foot.

What difference does it make if you don't have a dick like that on me? I get in a scandal. As for the diet answers too, that he is not going to chew grass, on this will have to and his tasty treat and myself separately-so I'm not going to do.

But I understand that I will not be able to lose weight at home, I tried. I want to work out at the gym.

Today I could not stand the anger and said. You men are so interesting, they want to see a well-groomed woman. But you can't even invest in something.

And of course he said he was investing. In buying food for the house. I pay for the apartment, I pay for most of the groceries too.

He doesn't dress me and I don't see most of his salary, just for groceries. I don't push him on it.

I understand that he has a problem where his salary goes. I told him to find a girl like his exes. Who didn't do anything around the house, didn't cook anything. But at the same time had a good figure that he *excited, and I would have found myself a man who would not turn his nose up.

In fact, he was always grateful to be greeted with order and a nice dinner, but no.

He wants me to lose weight, but he does not want to do anything for this. So, what to do with such a husband?