It's not nice when a husband goes to his mistress... But when he goes to his ex-wife... What's going on? In this whole situation, I ask myself only one question, "How did I ever get caught up in this love travesty?" Been married to a man for two years. A month ago my husband told me he was seeing someone else and wanted to take a break. What the hell is a "pause"? If you decide to leave, leave! What kind of a pause in a relationship?! But when my husband said he was leaving me for his first wife, it was like cold water breaking over me.

Why divorce at all? Why did you start a new family? It's a good thing we don't have a child together from this "runner." The divorce had just been finalized.

On February 24th, my now ex-husband calls me and asks why I did not wish him happy birthday. I said I didn't want to see or hear from him anymore. He started joking around and saying compliments. I hung up. What was that all about? Decided to come back from his first wife again? I'd like to send him to a psychologist for a physical exam. I've never seen such behavior before.