Good afternoon. The problem is this - my man and I rent an apartment. He gets about 95,000 and I get 90,000.

I have been called to a branch in the capital for a promotion to 130,000 but obviously will need to move.

The man categorically does not want to - he has an established job at his current position and he does not want to look for a new one in a new city, especially he does not want to rent a more expensive apartment - and I dreamed of saving up in 10 years for a contribution to a new building (I am 26, he is 28).

As a result, we fight a lot and can not come to anything - I do not want to leave him, we are already 2 years together, and he says that if he moves, he will live at my expense.

When still once raised the question of separation - accused me that I money is more important than our relationship.

Go between cities a day on the train - that is to see if we will be in different cities, we will be very rarely. I do not know what to do, I love him. Please help me with advice!!!