Is He Stingy or Just Not Getting the Hint?
I'm 30 and he's 37. We've been together for a year and started living together after just a few months. I consider our relationship to be nearly perfect, with complete understanding in every aspect. However, one issue that has begun to trouble me is our finances.
We live on his property, and we contribute equally to food and travel expenses (sometimes he contributes more), while he takes care of the utility bills. All household chores—cooking, cleaning, ironing—are almost always my responsibility.
I've received gifts from him for New Year's and my birthday, and at the beginning of our relationship, he used to give me flowers. I should mention that I also make an effort to give him comparable gifts on the same holidays.
His salary is twice as much as mine, and sometimes I find myself short on cash for small things like lipstick or cream. I mention this to him but I never ask directly for money, and he never offers any help.
Sometimes I wish he would just buy me a small gift or help out financially (even if it's a minimal amount), and I can't figure out if he's being stingy or if he's just not picking up on my hints. What do you think?