Girls, this is the first time I've encountered something like this. I am 26, my husband is 27, we have been together for 4 years (married 3), we love each other, tenderness does not go anywhere, every day he tells me how happy he is with me.

Recently I accidentally saw his correspondence with a lady when I was transferring pics through his phone. There are literally 4 messages, apparently they have known each other for a long time: she invited him to her house in another city for his birthday, for a night, with the signature "all my girlfriends will be there" and he replied "yes, ok, I will".

Didn't say anything to me. I don't want to tell him that female curiosity got the better of me, tried to gently find out his plans for that date, said he'd probably be working the night shift.

I'm worried, don't know what to do. Why would he hide it from me?