Letters from Childhood

Letters from Childhood
Photo by Srikanta H. U / Unsplash

Dear Jennifer!
I read your letter, I cried, then I laughed and cried again...
Why do you write to me every year? I read your letters when you were 5, 7 and even 10. But then, you probably realized that it's all, to put it mildly, not really true...
And you keep writing...
No, when you asked for an Emmanuelle book at your 15, I was surprised, of course, but times were still without Youtube and I realized, "girl growing up."
When at 16 you wrote that you really wanted a third breast size, I blushed, but I didn't argue with nature. I thought you'd be offended and never write again, but...
I did not know you well...
At 17 - Let Jacob fall in love (shit, should I give him a slap?)
At 18 - Can Jacob be drafted into the army in the spring, he's bothering me and Ethan.
At 19 - Can Ethan go somewhere now...
At 20 you wrote that you were getting married, and didn't ask for anything. I was tense, of course, but then you disappeared for five years and I calmed down. And for nothing...
You reappeared on my horizon: "Dear Santa Claus, Jennifer, remember her?"...
And I went gray. That's honest!
Now I don't have to wear a wig on New Year's Eve.
With trembling hands I held the letter and again, as before, I cried and laughed, laughed and cried.
You were describing your life over these five years.
You know, you're a tough girl, honestly!
Not even I had that many highlights!
But that's not the point now.
Jennifer, you're 39, you're a big girl and your kids should be writing by now!!!
So why do I read these letters year after year?
How can I help you if you've never asked for ordinary gifts?

  • "I want a bad lie down in the Maldives, not a good walk to work..."
  • "I want a fast and flashy than a long and tedious"...

Jennifer, you'd better ask for a car!
Let's go sometime without me, okay?
And I'd rather make presents for the kids. I'm too old for this kind of extreme.
I hug you.
Santa Claus.

Dear Santa Claus!
Go to hell in your apologies!
I can not do without you!
It's faith, you know!
The power of thought, sending into space, visualizing wishes. Whatever you want to call it, the main thing is that it works!
So you're just a guide, so sit there quietly and read.
I don't know how, but they come true.
Get married in the Maldives
Forget to come back from there
Then forget my husband, but remember the PIN code to his card.
Meet the balding Jacob at the jewelry store (have him apologize right there for going into the army)
Find a good job for my husband in Thailand, and he had better change his sex than his PIN-code from his card.
Write a beautiful novel (do you think you could just describe your life or is that a thriller already?)
Santa Claus, not goodbye, I know where you are, remember that!
Yours Jennifer.