"Man Brings to Tears": Navigating the Strains of Relationship Discontent
Hello everyone. Lately, there has been some serious turmoil in my relationship. My partner, who is 28 years old, has become increasingly critical and dissatisfied with everything, constantly grumbling and unhappy.
It has become a pattern where he comes home from work and immediately starts complaining. Whether it's about the way I hang his clothes after taking them off the drying rack or how I adjust the collars on his shirts, he's always finding fault. He even gets upset about whether I've ironed them properly or not.
Meanwhile, I work from home for about nine hours a day at my computer, often without breaks. This leaves little time for anything else, so I do what I can to keep things in order. I maintain the house as best as I can within my energy and time limits.
Now, his grumbling extends to whenever we go out. For example, we recently went on a picnic, and he was unhappy the entire time. He complained about leaving late and then about the road conditions, which ruined the mood and the overall experience of the picnic.
He wasn't like this before. I'm really exhausted from his constant negativity and complaints, which often bring me to tears. What's going on? Does anyone have any ideas or insights into what might be happening with him?