Hello! Help! Trying to recover after a failed marriage, met a man on the Internet, knew the communication long ago, about half a year all invited to meet.

But I could not for my own reasons, then met, from his words he has long been alone, no children. Married was not (36 years old, I'm younger by 8 years) continued to communicate and on holiday invited to celebrate him.

He liked me by communication and I went, the next morning everything was good, in the afternoon he took me home (he had to do business), and in the evening he sent me a photo where I g*laya lying on the floor and wrote that I got so drunk that it is unimaginable what I was doing.

I'm just shocked because it never happened, all I remember is that he poured me a drink and how we went to bed, that's it.

Afterwards I found bruises on my body that I didn't even feel. Even in spite of all this, I continued to communicate with him and then he told me that I should take tests in the hospital and on VUCH I am just in shock, how to be now?

He said he got something from me. Before him, I only had a husband.