Married guy lies.

Married guy lies.
Photo by Benjamin Brunner / Unsplash

Probably all married men lie. I started dating a married man, he told me that he and his wife do not sleep together, he often spent time with me, and now he was called to go on a business trip for work.

He also said IF YOU WANT, you can come with me, and I recently found out that his wife is also going. But it's not like they're flying together, she's flying a day or two early. They have five kids.

But he told me we're going to France together and so on. I don't get it. It seems that everything is so nice and at the same time today has not written once.

I do not want to be a f*cking idiot and I do not want to have my heart broken. But I think that it is possible that he fell in love with someone else and changed his life?

His wife is unkempt, her mouth stinks, her nails are always untidy, her figure is useless.

Fly with him and his wife? Is there any chance that he will leave his clown?