Girls, women, answer the question please!

My man and I have a child together (we are not married) baby 7 months old and he began to cry a lot at night, he does not like it, immediately freaks out, says - "what does not let me sleep, f*cking whine, I have to work, you are a bad mother can not quickly soothe him, you mock let me quiet at work soon".
And so every time the baby starts crying very loudly.

Each time I explain that the baby is worried about something or wants to hold him, but he can't tell us what he has.

And so every time that I am bad I can not quickly calm down, etc.

ANSWER ME IS NOT ALL LIKE THIS??? MAY NOT ALL, I can not know for everyone, but I am running out of patience.

THIS IS NOT NORMAL, WHY he does not understand that this is a baby, that anything can happen, no respect, we live very far from relatives, I am alone with the baby all 7 months, every day all 24/7.

WORKING WAYNEED that he was working and I was just sitting at home, what's the big deal just a baby.