Help me advice! I have been crying every day for two weeks now. I am 24 years old. I have been living with my husband in a civil union for 2 years.

An unplanned pregnancy happened. I wanted to keep the baby (this is my first pregnancy and I have never had ab*rts, my husband has 2 children from a previous marriage), but my husband was against it and started pressuring me that now is not the time, there is no opportunity to support and educate him.

I am sure that the child does not need much, especially since they both work and do not earn bad money. Recently we bought a three-room apartment in a new house.

I am expecting a surgical abortion. I am very afraid that it will not pass without a trace on my body. + The doctors found a dermoid cyst on my ovary. They said they need to operate. I am on the edge of a nervous breakdown!

I've already grown attached to the baby. But I also love my husband madly and cannot disobey him. What to do I do not know ...