1. One man didn't want to fight, but he had to. And then it took him ten years to get home.
  2. One man starved, and then wanted to become a superhuman according to Nietzsche. Decided to get wet and went to jail. And fell in love with a prostitute.
  3. One aunt went to work as a governess. She waited until her master went blind and married him.
  4. A man bored and bored, and then he shot his friend and turned her down. And then he fell in love with her, but it was too late.
  5. There was a man who sold his soul to the devil. And then the angels signed in for him, and the devil was a bummer.
  6. One man transplanted human brains into a dog, and then he had a hard time getting them back out.
  7. One man was in jail for a long time, and then he escaped and found the treasure. And made a nuisance of himself to all his enemies.
  8. One man ate cacti and then became a witch doctor.
  9. One chick fell in love with a psycho. She walked around naked and got eternal life and a house to go with it.
  10. A man read a book and went crazy. He started cosplaying the knight. And everybody laughed at him.
  11. A man started a club. And he hired a servant. And then he got into all kinds of trouble, even went to jail.
    12 One man escaped from prison, and then became a good man.
  12. There was a man who was in jail, and he wrote a book. About how our world is like a matryoshka doll. There's devils on the inside and angels on the outside. And he made up a lot of his own words.
  13. A man was lying on the couch for a long time, and he felt good.
  14. A woman wanted to be loved. And in the process of fighting for love, she killed three people. She was exiled to the penal colony. And there she killed another aunt and drowned herself.
  15. One man was in jail. Twenty years on a desert island. Well, then he was rescued.
  16. One man burned books, but then he changed his mind and started reading them.
  17. A man brought a dog from the north and it killed a thief. And everyone said thank you to her.
    19 "One man knew how to breathe under water. And then he fell in love and went to jail.
  18. There was a man who slept on nails. Only he wasn't the main character.
  19. There was an aunt in ancient Greece who was an elite prostitute. And she saw Macedonian in person! And then she worked her way up to the position of queen.
  20. One man was a cool scientist. And then his pupil cut off his head and made him talk.
  21. There was a man who traveled around Russia and bought up dead souls. And then it turned out that he was no necromancer, but just a crook.
  22. One man was a Hindu and a raja. The British threw him off the throne, and he invented a submarine and went to sink ships.
  23. One man grew up in a monastery. And then he ran away, had a fight with a Cougar, and died.
  24. One man picked up a perfect hussy in the street and raised her as a tough lady on a dare. I don't remember if he married her or not.
  25. One guy was going on vacation, but instead he talked to Baba-Yaga and went to work at a magic institute.
  26. One man invented a tricky mixture, drank it, and became invisible. Then he walked around without pants and froze all the time. He was beaten up with shovels at the end.
  27. A man had two sons and went to war with them. One son was killed, and the other he shot himself.
  28. Three men repair cars and get drunk all the time.
  29. Three men could not walk in a kayak, but they went. And took the dog with them. At least they didn't drown.
  30. Four men went to Brazil and found dinosaurs. And then with difficulty proved to the scientists that they had found them.
  31. Aliens wanted to conquer the Earth, fired lasers, and then, boom, they all died of a runny nose.
  32. So there's a bunch of people there, and everyone's so sophisticated and speaks French. And then the war. Some died and some got remarried.
  33. Aliens wanted to conquer the Earth, fired lasers, and then, boom, they all died of a runny nose.
  34. So there's a bunch of people there, and everyone's so sophisticated and speaks French. And then the war. Some died and some got married.