Said I wasn't right for him because I hadn't had a successful career yet

Said I wasn't right for him because I hadn't had a successful career yet
Photo by Mary Brennan / Unsplash

I'm 23 now and he's 33. In the beginning everything was very cool and easy, we tried to spend more time with each other, but both were busy with things.

He had a business and I was still at uni at the time and working in parallel. At some point it seemed to be time for this to become something more serious, but he turned me down, said he was not ready (he was married in the past) and did not see a future together with me yet.

So, his reason for rejecting me is that I have not yet been established in life as he has. We kind of have no common vector for the future!

He needs a girl who, for example, also has her own business / she may have her own house / or she is a virtuoso at playing the violin and was as a musician.

But what's the paradox? He likes young girls, about my age or up to 30 at the most, someone who can and succeed at that age, but mostly young people have nothing yet.

Of course, how could I have my own honestly earned house at 23? And the fact that I just this year graduated from university, change jobs and also trying to implement their plans (there is a case that I want to do and slowly go to this goal) for him - well, it's another year or two?

He does not have so much time to wait until I implement, he said I am still a white sheet which is unknown what will be. It is not enough that I graduated from university, I moved away from my parents, I passed my driver's license, I provide for myself, I have never asked him for money.

And he started his own business only in 30 years and still opened on the money of his ex-wife (she incidentally had money, as from a wealthy family, and also sang great, but then sat at home, and as we got married stopped even trying to work).

That is, he now considers that he was successful, because the business brings money and tries to develop it further, and the girl should be like that and in addition still be young. And love is secondary for him, the main thing is the common goal, not personal qualities.