Here's what happened.

Saturday, when I was at my place, I gave a girl a Beautybox Pod*rock. I thought she liked all kinds of cosmetics. There's shower gel, a mask, a candle and everything. She barely opened the box, said thank you and put it away.

The next day she was leaving for her place. I asked if I could give her a bag for the pod*rk. She said she had her hands full anyway. I decided to ask her if she would pick it up later. To what I heard: "I do not use it.

In general, the box was left lying at me unclaimed.

Relationships cooled immediately. She didn't even write that she had got home, though I asked her to. Responded to messages reluctantly. Asked if something was upsetting her. She said she didn't want to bother.

On March 8 morning I sent her a card in the cart. Didn't say anything back. I went to congratulate my grandmother and aunt, so she went to a cafe and a movie with a friend. Didn't answer much during the day.

Booked us a table at the cafe for Friday, but I feel like she didn't like the choice. There is a feeling that she will refuse to meet.

This has never happened before. A joyful, friendly girl, and then suddenly there was a change. We haven't even had a fight in four months.

What's the best way to talk to her? I do not want to break up, I have strong feelings for her. Sometimes I even thought about family, and then this. I am 26 and she is.