I dated a girl for five years, four years of which we lived together. We are both 25.

Relationships were like any other, sometimes we quarrel, then we make up, but there were no major conflicts.

During the last year the themes of marriage and children started to come up more and more often. I was not against it either, began to set aside money for a ring, wedding, began to look at future housing (we now rent an apartment). I wanted to propose on New Year's Eve.

And when, it would seem, everything is great, the girl announces to me that she no longer loves me and wants to leave. She says that she guessed about the proposal, but now she does not want it. And I already managed to buy a ring and how to do now - I do not know.

Is it worth it all the same to give? Or better not to? I feel that if I do not, then I will regret all my life. Interested in the opinion of other women.