The man we were planning a family with was diagnosed with padagra. Now I don't know what to do. Life has changed.

Earlier we had common preferences in eating and pastime, but now he has a strict dietary restriction (practically everything that I like is prohibited), and there are restrictions on going out and activities, too, because he is suffering from prolonged exertion, and I cannot sit in one place all the time.

It turns out that either I should go on a diet with him and stay at home, refusing all that I love, or cook food separately (it turns out he is teased with these banned foods), rest separately. But what kind of family it is then.

Before that we were planning children, but now I do not know what to do either. I can only wonder if it will be handed down and I'll condemn my child to a life of suffering or his medication can have bad effects on my child's health.

Then a man has flare-ups when he can't do anything at home or at work. And if there is a small child, I am on maternity leave, then what to live on and how to be.

I have feelings with him, the few years we have been together, the man has become close during that time.

But what to do next? Has anyone come across something like this? Is it worth continuing the relationship or is it better to leave as the future can be extremely difficult?