Take or leave

Take or leave
Photo by Windows / Unsplash

I dated a guy for about three years. I found out I was pregnant. He was happy, said leave the baby, I will help, etc.

But immediately indicated that he would not marry. I had the baby, I'm a single mother on the certificate.

He lived at his place, I lived with the baby at my mom's. He didn't help with money, but now he says write a list and I'll buy the baby what he needs.

The baby is 1.5 and I went to work. He sees him only when I go for a walk with the child.

In response to my questions about how we are going to live, he says to move in with the baby to my place, he has a two-room apartment, and he lives in one room, and his mother and father are in the other.

I asked him how long we were going to live like this, and he said that his parents would be old anyway, and that we would have to live alone.

By the way, he has a second apartment and they rent it out. I suggested that we rent it, but he refused and said it was inconvenient for him.

I can not go with him, I have a two-bedroom apartment in one I, my mother, the child in the second. My brother is not going to move out, although he is married, saying that his mother can not leave.

In general, gave birth in a madhouse. My question is this. What to do, agree to live with his parents, or spit on such an individual? All the same, he refused to sign the certificate.