Hello. I am 24 years old, my man is 47. Together 4 years, not married (he is against the wedding, never been married). My son is 3 months old.

The man is a little lower level than my family, lived quietly. A month ago I met a woman 44 years old, she is a store clerk, she has a grown up son.

A normal woman, a little overweight, not flashy. I would not even pay attention to her, he always liked much younger and bright, successful, models.

It's like my man went crazy. Started hiding the phone, put a password, to questions "where are you?" did not answer.

Then he left allegedly on a business trip (I found out that with her). I moved with my son to my parents, because I could not stand it.

Son he is not interested at all, me too. Recently called, on emotions said that he will marry her and that they will have a child. A wedding and a baby after a month of dating?)

I'm offended, there are no words. Not only that he is older than me for 23 years, fipapsovoe position of his clearly inferior to the position of my family, so also such a betrayal. Her son he accepted, but his own infant child refused.

What do I do? I want to destroy their idyll, which they are building on my unhappiness and devastation.