Hello. I will tell you right away that I am poor, I have no housing of my own, no account, no car. I live at the expense of my husband, now in maternity leave. The wedding was made by him, my parents did not contribute in any way. We have two children.

We live in a flat, which was inherited by my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law allowed my husband to live there long before we met, about 4 years before. The flat (2 rooms) is registered to my mother-in-law, my husband and I are just registered there together with our children.

My husband has a sister. Now lives with his parents, but asks my husband to buy her a flat, so that our not to share and to us not to move. My husband has a bank account. When I was pregnant with my second, he broke the news to me.

It's been almost a year now, they are choosing a flat. My husband was even going to take out a crdit if they didn't have enough. I managed to talk him out of the crdit. They are choosing a second-hand flat, 1 or 2 rooms, as it turns out.

They agreed that the husband gives 45 thousand dollars, the rest, in small things, parents pay extra. But how it will be, it is unknown. It turns out that the husband's account is almost zero. It will not be for a rainy day, for the health of children.

Plus, the husband says he will help there with repairs, and knowing my husband, I can say, it will be very long and almost every day plus weekends. So not only will the money go away, but you won't expect help from your husband and kids.

The youngest is now 7 months old and the oldest is almost 2.5 years old. They are small, it's hard with them.

Do you think I don't have a say in this situation, since I'm broke and didn't invest in the budget? Is it fair to buy my sister's flat and renovate it? Is it too careless of my husband to do that? My sister is unmarried and has no children.