
Experts named the most secure browsers

Experts analyzed and evaluated the privacy provided by Safari, Yandex, Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Brave and Google Chrome browsers. With the help of a practical test, the safest browsers were identified.

Experts from the Faculty of Engineering of Queen Elizabeth University Dublin, analyzed and evaluated the privacy provided by Safari, Yandex, Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Brave and Google Chrome browsers. Using a practical test, the safest browsers were identified.

To understand which browser is safe to use, browser requests for user data were studied, as well as the evaluation of responses to malicious URLs. Brave browser received the highest privacy score, Safari, Google Chrome and Firefox had average scores, and browsers such as Yandex and Edge received the worst scores and were named the most dangerous.

Brave browser settings, even by default, can guarantee the protection of your data because it does not store information that allows you to track your IP addresses afterwards.

Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers received average scores. This is because the well-known autofill function, when saving information on websites, can be stolen by attackers. But, it is worth mentioning that it can be disabled and thus the security when using them increases.

The most dangerous browsers were named Microsoft Edge and Yandex, which shared information that could lead to the detection of the location of users.