After 10 years of life together with my husband, I realized that I no longer feel anything for him, he is unpleasant in bed, and in general he is not my thing.

I decided to find a lover, I met two men at the same time and it lasted six months until I realized that I fell in love with one of them, although he was married.

Our relationship lasted a few years, after which we agreed to get a divorce and both of us started the divorce proceedings.

I divorced and moved out of my husband, he hadn't divorced yet and I was waiting for that to happen.

Everything was going on, but it just so happened that he found out that I had been with someone else for the first six months of our relationship. I couldn't explain anything to him, he drank for a few months, he didn't want to see or listen to me, he took the application from the registry office and said he would not divorce me. Our relationship continues but he said there will be no progress.

I am waiting, waiting a long time, do you think he will understand me one day, will he want a life together or will he not forgive me? Is it worth it to keep waiting for his divorce?