Husband filed for divorce

Husband filed for divorce
Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash

I have been married for one year. Husband is wonderful, the best. I am expecting a baby boy (2 months). But before I met him, I was in love with an abuser. And I made a lot of mistakes.

I did sx in front of other people, participated in public webcasts, imitating the sounds of mnet and s*x.

I was forced to do all of this by that abuser. I never told anyone about it and moved out of that town to clear my reputation.

But someone decided to tell my husband about it. And wrote an anonymous letter. My husband, of course, was shocked.

I told him it was all a lie, but my husband is very doubtful. I'm guessing who wrote it and I'm afraid they have proof. I am very afraid that they will send recordings of those broadcasts.

My husband filed for divorce, he said he will not leave the child, but I am not a woman to him anymore.

What am I supposed to do? I don't work, I lived on my husband's money, he earns good money. I say that the letter is a lie, and he does not believe me! How can I convince him?