Good afternoon everyone, we have been together for 11 years. We are now expecting a baby and I am 9 months pregnant. The baby is wanted and planned. Otnosnosmets well and to me and the future child.

But since six months to a year ago "got into" fishing. Gradually it began to occupy any of his free minute, and every weekend.

And even if he miraculously stays home, he gets all worn out that he is bored. I agree that everyone has the right to hobbies and privacy, but not every weekend to spend with friends on fishing trips.

He promised to quit fishing after 7 months of pregnancy, but everything remains the same. I want to spend time with him sometimes too. But only comes a day off, I open my eyes in the morning - I am put before the fact "I'm going fishing" and disappears for a few days. At the same time, household chores are practically not done.

Help only after the tenth request and I feel unnecessary. Already there are thoughts of divorce.

If it is important for someone to know, I am 28 years old, in maternity, cute, slim. We live in my apartment. Before this constantly where something together got out, walked, etc. there are mutual friends, we are both very sociable, practically did not fight.

Why has everything changed so much? Make peace with the situation do not want and can not. Help me with advice!