The thing is that the man used to be generous, courteous and so on, and then we started having plans for the future and since he lives in my flat (30 sq.m.) and has no assets himself, apart from a car on credit for which we still have about 2 million to pay.

Then the question arose that if we have a child, we need to expand. At least a proper 1-bed flat.

In order to pay off the loan quickly, he started moonlighting in a taxi. And he's telling me to start saving. Since I can't put much away with my wages, why don't I get a second job?

He says I need to take out a mortgage and make a comfortable payment, so I can go on maternity leave.

I am, by the way, already 30. He's 33. With all that in mind, it won't be five years before we can plan on having kids.

He knows I really want kids and he's even more insistent on a part-time job. He says my substantial contribution will bring us closer to our goal. What should I do in my situation?