
Should I hide my age?

Dear girls and women! Do you hide your real age when you meet men? ⠀ Do you think you should tell men your real age or is it better to play it down? ⠀ Who

I feel like a beggar.

I have been dating a man for three years, everything was good, as in any relationship during the candy-coquetal period. He is a wealthy widower, 47 years old. ⠀ I live alone, I have

Husband walks under himself

Hello! I would like to know the opinion of others and maybe find a solution to the problem. ⠀ ⠀ My husband used to drink every weekend and it got to the point where he

Marriage contract

I am in a situation that weighs on me mentally. My boyfriend is a mama's boy, 25 years old, he lives together with his mother and grandmother, we meet about 12

The guy called the old

I would like to speak out and ask for advice! ⠀ I've been dating my boyfriend for almost three months. I'm thirty, he's twenty-two. Although I look much