
I want to take her husband away

I have an acquaintance who tied her life together 10 years ago with a wonderful man who, even after all these years, is interesting to me. ⠀ He proposed to her nicely, gave her

Mental mistress of the husband

I am 26 years old, married for 7 years, have a son who is 4 years old. Married for a lot of love. It was hard and good. There has been a lot

Sitting on a dating site

I met a man on a dating site this spring. We started dating, we liked each other. Almost every day I went to his place and he gave me the keys to his

Dating a speed shooter

Started a relationship with a man, he is an adult(38 years old), he wooed me beautifully for about a month, in general I really started to like him more and more every