
Offers to split everything in half

My boyfriend and I were friends, then we started dating. ⠀ ⠀ My boyfriend's financial situation is not very good, but he wants me to pay for myself and maybe even for him

Engagement ring

The man got mad at the change( When we were choosing an engagement ring he kept talking about "discounts and how to buy cheaper and save money: let's buy this

Husband filed for divorce

I have been married for one year. Husband is wonderful, the best. I am expecting a baby boy (2 months). But before I met him, I was in love with an abuser. And

The boyfriend paralazyed mom

I met a young man a year ago on a dating site, we started dating. It turned out that he had a paralyzed mother whom he was caring for alone. ⠀ ⠀ At the beginning